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Ancient Chapel of Toxteth, Liverpool

Park Road, Dingle, Toxteth, Merseyside, L8 9RD

  • 07 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

The oldest dissenting chapel in the U.K. founded 1618.

A charming Grade I Listed early 17th Century Non Conformist Chapel.
A continuous place of worship since 1618
See both Inside and Outside.
Features Box Pews, Galleries, and Historic Memorials.
Fascinating Graveyard, Flat and Headstone Graves, unique Columbarium.
Gravestones readable from the early 1700s.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:

Location & directions

Park Road, Dingle, Toxteth, Merseyside, L8 9RD

Chapel is easily accessible from the City Centre by bus route number 82.
Contact on day:
Leslie N Gabriel
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Narrow wheelchair access due to 2 steps up from street level, but light wheelchairs can be accommodated provided user has a helper. Easy access for walking-stick users. Disabled Access to the Graveyard is not really feasible. With entrance close to traffic lights, and opposite a bus stop, no parking outside except to set-down and pick-up. Limited parking in Local side streets near the site.

Additional information

Very little internal alterations since construction in 1618. Unique chapel clock made by William Lassel in the 1760s.

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