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A Call to Arms: The History of the Surrey Yeomanry at Fetcham Park

Fetcham Park House, Lower Road, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9HD

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person

Fetcham Park is hosting 'A Call to Arms: The History of the Surrey Yeomanry' an exhibition featuring historic panels on loan from Dorking Museum. Visit the exhibition and explore the Grade II* listed building, Laguerre murals and private grounds.

Fetcham Park, near Leatherhead, is pleased to announce its participation in this year's Heritage Open Day, on Saturday, 14th September, where it will host a captivating exhibition, A Call to Arms: The History of the Surrey Yeomanry, featuring the historic Surrey Yeomanry panels on loan from Dorking Museum.

The exhibition traces the history of the Surrey Yeomanry and its connection with Dorking and its surrounding estates. From its original formation as a voluntary unit in 1794 during the war against Revolutionary France until the First World War, the Surrey Yeomanry was embedded in the lives and concerns of the local wealthy gentry.

Visitors can immerse themselves in a wealth of historical information through anecdotes and photographs that illuminate the cavalry regiment's involvement in various campaigns and conflicts. This display vividly brings to life the people and places associated with the esteemed military unit spanning two centuries, including Captain Sydney Thornhill Hankey, a relative of the original owners of Fetcham Park.

Fetcham Park, a Grade II* listed building built in 1705 as a private home and now a serviced office, meeting and private events venue, is proud to collaborate with Dorking Museum in bringing this insightful exhibition to the public for Heritage Open Day in the Fetcham area of Mole Valley.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
10:00am - 5pm

Location & directions

Fetcham Park House, Lower Road, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 9HD

To find Fetcham Park via Sat Nav use the code KT22 9ES, turn off Lower Road into Badingham Drive and the House entrance is immediately on your right.
Contact on day:
Kate Ainsworth
Telephone number:

Booking information

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