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' Humberston Fitties Heritage : Creativity Unwrapped' (2023)

La Cuna, 1 Kingsway, Lincolnshire, DN35 8QU

  • Available anytime
  • Pre-booking not required

Join us for an exhibition of arts, crafts and photography to celebrate the unique Heritage of Humberston Fitties Chalet Park.

The Fitties CIC will be working collaboratively with local artists to offer an insight into The Fitties through creativity across a range of venues including local tours and talks and our Pop Up Art Gallery at LaCuna in Cleethorpes.

Timings & Tours

Available anytime

Location & directions

La Cuna, 1 Kingsway, Lincolnshire, DN35 8QU

Contact on day:
Caroline Carr 07775 596160
Telephone number:
Caroline Carr 07775 596160

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Additional information

Requires outdoor clothing

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