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The Old Parsonage

Old Parsonage, Stenner Lane, Didsbury, Greater Manchester, M20 2RQ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Home of Fletcher Moss Alderman, philanthropist, JP and author. The house is now a community space. A rare stained glass sundial window has been installed in the building.

Original parts of this magnificent house probably date back to the mid-sixteenth century with fine extensions added between 1820 and 1830.

Its most famous owner was Fletcher Moss, JP, Alderman, philanthropist and author, who left the building, gardens and other land to Manchester Corporation in 1919. After a long life as a Museum and Art Gallery it was then turned into offices. In September 2012 the building was opened as a community hub by the Didsbury Parsonage Trust who acquired it on a lease from Manchester City Council and raised over £160,000 for renovation.

Books, cards and other items on sale. Open from 10.00 to 17.00 on Saturday7th and Sunday 8th and Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th. Disabled access

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
10am - 5pm
Sunday 08 September:
10am - 5pm
Saturday 14 September:
10am - 5pm
Sunday 15 September:
10am - 5pm

Location & directions

Old Parsonage, Stenner Lane, Didsbury, Greater Manchester, M20 2RQ

Contact on day:
Tracey Pook
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Wheelchair access only to ground floor. Gardens accessible in part

Additional information

When Fletcher Moss lived in the Old Parsonage there was a Stained Glass Sundial in the library. Stained Glass Sundials are rare and the Trustees of the Old Parsonage have reinstated a new window. For those visiting the Old Parsonage, a family friendly walk around Fletcher Moss Park and Parsonage Gardens with an emphasis on their history and that of the two houses in their grounds is available for all as the park open as usual on both weekends. Guest exhibitions will be made available. Tea and coffee will be made available.

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