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St Peter’s Methodist Church, Canterbury

St Peter's Methodist Church, St Peter's Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2BE

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Find out about John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, who visited Canterbury some forty times. See pictures of how the church, erected 1811, has changed – or join in a children’s trail round it. Enjoy displays and music by charities and organisations

The Heritage Open Days theme for 2024, ‘Routes, Networks, and Connections’, will be explored in St Peter’s Methodist Church on Saturday 14 September with reference both to the past and the present. The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, famously proclaimed ‘the world is my parish’: he rode round the country preaching, covering more than 200,000 miles, the equivalent of going round the world several times. Displays round the church will illustrate his forty visits to Canterbury, the inter-connected organisation he set up, and the city-wide and world-wide connexions of the congregation today. There will be old pictures of what the church used to look like as well as a trail for children round the building (with lollipops for those who find all the hidden clues!). Both Junior Church and St Peter’s School contain people of many nationalities and their displays will reflect this. Eritreans and Ukrainians are among the groups which use the church building today, as do several local charities, whose display boards will illustrate what they do. Choirs which rehearse in the church will be invited to sing, and audio-visual material relevant to the day will be projected on screen. As a reflection of the church’s world-wide interests and networking, a jam stall will raise money for a Methodist Relief and Development Fund which works with long-established partners in developing countries to help them help themselves.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
10:00-17:00 *15.30 Canterbury for Ukraine Ladies Choir

Location & directions

St Peter's Methodist Church, St Peter's Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2BE

The church is about 200 metres from the Westgate Towers, towards the city centre.

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Suitable for pushchairs but not prams. There is no parking whatsoever.

Additional information

At 15:30 the Canterbury for Ukraine Ladies Choir will be performing.

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