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St Mary's Chantry House

St Mary's Chantry House, Walkergate, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 1NB

  • 14 Sep 2024
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

In 1448 two Chaplains of the Chantry of the Blessed Mary lived here and taught grammar and singing. Very few of this type of medieval building have survived, and this is a rare opportunity to view inside the ruins of Alnwick’s first school.

Medieval Chantry houses were built as accommodation for the chaplains of Chantry chapels, where masses were sung for the soul of the founder. The Chantry of the Blessed Mary of Alnewicke was in the Church of St Michael. The Chantry house was constructed in 1448. The two chaplains also taught grammar and singing to poor boys. So this was also the first school in Alnwick. When Henry VIII abolished monasteries, priories and convents the chantries were saved. In the reign of Henry’s son, Edward VI, the chantry was suppressed. Although the King’s Commissioners reported favourably on the character of the two schoolmasters the School was stripped of most of its property.

What can now be seen is a rare survival of this type of medieval building, and protected as a Grade II* Listed Building, of national importance.

With kind permission of Northumberland Estates.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:

Location & directions

St Mary's Chantry House, Walkergate, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 1NB

Contact on day:
Lorna Gilroy
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Additional information

Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 20 minute(s)

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