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St James Church Taunton

St James Church, St James Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1JS

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Church Tower will be open. Displays of church and local history - Stories of people from the past connected with our church and local community.

Come and explore our church building which has seen many changes during its 900 year old history.
The church tower will be open, it is 120 foot high and has a commanding view of the town and surrounding area. There are 8 bells, the oldest of which dates from 1610. Tower tours will happen throughout the day. Each tour will last about 30-40 minutes. (See notes on age limits and accessibility).
Research is ongoing about people from the past life of the church and displays will be available which give information about the lives of some of these characters from the past. The Routes, Connections and Networks theme is touched on in the stories of an 18th Century circumnavigator, a 19th Century Prison governor, a Victorian head teacher and other tales from the past and present.. Your guides will be playing the parts of some of these people.

Light refreshments will be available and there will be a children's corner.

Visitors will be welcome to visit our ongoing re-wilding eco project in the churchyard.

(Entry and refreshments on Saturday 14th will be limited after 2.30 pm as a local orchestra will be arriving to prepare for an evening concert).
Displays will remain in the church to view between 7th and 14th September (except Tuesday 10th and on Sunday morning worship will be in progress from 10-12.30 visitors are invited to join our worship time)

Timings & Tours

Saturday 07 September:
Tower Tours 10.00 -16.00
Saturday 14 September:
Tower Tours 10.00 - 15.00

Location & directions

St James Church, St James Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1JS

St James Church is in St James Street and is next door to the Somerset County Cricket Ground. Details of how to find us are on our website:
Contact on day:
Jenny Wakefield
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Church has level access for all. Tower Tours limited to people over 8 years old. Spiral stair case to access bell chamber and tower top. Sensible shoes should be worn. On site parking limited - see church website. Disabled parking can be reserved if pre-requested - contact the church office on 01823 272931 before 4th September or on the day 07796248369. Assistance dogs welcome.

Additional information

Full details will be on our church website nearer the time.

Max no of people per tour:
Est. tour duration:
0 hour(s) 40 minute(s)

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