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Holmbridge Connections - People, Places and Pathways

St. Davids Church, Woodhead Road, Holmbridge, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 2NQ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Huddersfield and District Family History Society Exhibition People and Places - online searches by experts. Old maps - before the reservoirs! Explore with walk leaflets. Kids' trail. Cafe

Do you have a relative with a link to Holmbridge or St David's?
Have you moved to the area and would like to find out about the history of your house and who lived there?

Huddersfield and District Family History Society specialists will be based in the church over the weekend with their laptops and databases and and will help you search the records and census information etc.

Detailed graveyard survey on display. Walk around the graveyard and find the 1852 flood victims' graves

We will have displays of old maps showing Holmbridge before most of the reservoirs were built - where did people live and what paths did they take to get to work in the many mills?

Local history books, some rare copies for sale.

Walk leaflets (2-10 miles - leave your car in our car park) taking you past many places of interest
Mini trail in the graveyard

Display about our Conacher Organ with its beautifully painted organ pipes, in need of restoration - find out about our Sponsor an Organ Pipe Scheme
Church craftsmen and women self guided trail (from last year's open weekend in case you missed it!)

Homemade cakes, hot and cold drinks available
(Pickled Pheasant Pub across the road for meals)

We'd love you also to find out more about how the church serves the community at our end of the Upper Holme Valley.

Timings & Tours

Saturday 14 September:
10 am til 4 pm
Sunday 15 September:
12 midday til 4pm

Location & directions

St. Davids Church, Woodhead Road, Holmbridge, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 2NQ

Car park entrance is just after the church, opposite the cricket field. Hourly 314 bus Huddersfield to Holme (via Holmfirth) stops just before the church, opposite the Pickled Pheasant Pub.
Contact on day:
Sandy Wise 07718 762411
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Wheelchair access easiest via car park gate. Access partial in church (some displays will be in a raised area, but assistance can be given) Disabled toilet

Additional information

Walkers are very welcome! Maps and walk leaflets starting and finishing in Holmbridge will be available.

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