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Barrington Court

Barrington Court, Barrington, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0NQ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

Come and enjoy a visit to Barrington Court. Explore beautiful gardens & historic orchards, farm buildings, avenues and the recently opened Strode House, where you can imagine what it was like as the Lyle's 1920s family home.

Explore Barrington Court for free from 11th-13th September and discover information about the history of the two houses and estate. There are displays in the farm buildings and within the ground floor of Strode House. The gardens are open and will be transitioning from late summer to early autumn colour, and the Beagles café will be open for refreshments.

N.B. Court House remains closed due a long term restoration project.

Timings & Tours

Wednesday 11 September:
Property open from 10-5pm
Thursday 12 September:
Property open from 10-5pm
Friday 13 September:
Property open from 10-5pm

Location & directions

Barrington Court, Barrington, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0NQ

Satnav takes visitors to the rear of the property where there is no vehicle access for visitors. Please use the main entrance off Silver Street to access the National Trust visitor car park for Barrington Court.
Contact on day:
Keren Randall
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

The property is flat with no inclines. There are some areas of brick-cobbled pathways with steps and narrow gates through the gardens, and some rough ground in the farmyard. We have a manual wheelchair which can be borrowed, and a courtesy vehicle which can offer lifts around the property.

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