Dunkirk - The Prequel.
Buxton Visitor Centre, The Pump Room, The Crescent, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6BH
The twinning is founded on the interment in the cemetery at Oignies, of 18 British soldiers who died in action at the time when 80 Oignies citizens were massacred on 28th May 1940.
25th – 27th May 1940
British, French and Moroccan troops hold out against advancing German army at key crossings of canals at Oignies. The 72 hours delay afforded time for the Allies to fall back to Dunkirk.
28th May 1940
German troops enter Oignies, picking up civilian refugees to use as a human shield and to prevent the French soldiers from shooting on them. The Germans burned 380 houses and shot 80 citizens in revenge for the town's resistance. 18 British soldiers including 5 from Buxton, who died defending Oignies, are buried in Oignies Cemetery.
May 1965
Three ‘old soldiers’ from Buxton, went to Oignies to pay their respects at the graves of their Sherwood Forester friends who had died there.
Following visits in 1966 of the full Oignies Orchestra, accompanied by friends and relatives, the Mayor and Mayoress of Oignies and Town Council members to Buxton, and a reciprocal visit in 1967 of a party from Buxton to Oignies, "The Friends of Oignies Association" and "Amis de Buxton" were both founded in 1967.
April 1968
The Twinning Charter, an undertaking to maintain permanent links between the Towns, was signed by the mayors of Buxton and Oignies.
Since then, families have alternately hosted or visited their 'twinned' family each year to maintain the links of friendship to 2024.
Buxton Visitor Centre, The Pump Room, The Crescent, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6BH
There is one toilet in The Pump Room. Parking is available on nearby roads or at the Spring Gardens Centre car park.
Friends of Oignies Association is a voluntary group that maintains links of friendship with the Amis de Buxton association in the town of Oignies, Northern France in accordance with the Twinning Charter of 1968. The Association undertakes fund raising activities to promote Buxton, remember the World War 2 casualties from both our communities and provide biennial hospitality to visitors from Oignies. Funds raised are not used for the benefit of Friends of Oignies members. The event will present the history of the twinning and the ongoing celebratory friendships between the towns.