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Dodington old chapel

Dodington Chapel, Bark Hill, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 1DJ

  • Multiple dates available
  • In person
  • Pre-booking not required

A unique opportunity to visit the earliest purpose-built non-conformist chapel in the town. Visitors will be able to view a display detailing the architecture of the building and the history of non-conformism in Whitchurch.

This chapel was built in 1717 and replaced an earlier building dating from 1707, where Matthew Henry had preached the first sermon.
The original chapel had been burnt down by Jacobite rioters less than eight years after construction. Both premises were situated in Thomas Yates' garden whose house faced on to Dodington.

It will be possible to inspect the architecture of both the interior and exterior of the chapel and to learn of its varied use until the present day.

A display will detail the chronology of the site and the individuals who worshipped there. After 1824 the building ceased to be a chapel and went through various incarnations including operating as a 19th century school and a wartime dance hall.

Timings & Tours

Friday 13 September:
11.00 - 16.00
Saturday 14 September:
11.00 - 16.00

Location & directions

Dodington Chapel, Bark Hill, Whitchurch, Shropshire, SY13 1DJ

Contact on day:
Judith Hoyle
Telephone number:

Booking information

Pre-booking requirement:
Pre-booking not required

Accessibility details

Flat wheelchair access is available at the rear of the building. However it is approached over grass i.e. not paved

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