Bedfordshire might not be the obvious choice for an internationally significant collection of airworthy vintage aircraft in Europe; including the largest selection of still flying WWI aircraft, and the delightful early ‘Edwardians’. However the Shuttleworth Estate has six themed aircraft hangars and an engineering maintenance workshop, alongside a treasure trove of airworthy vintage aircraft from 1909-1950, PLUS agricultural and steam exhibits, veteran cars, classic motorcycles, bicycles and vintage buses. Throw in a working airfield, a Regency period Swiss Garden, and the grand 1872 house that was the Shuttleworth Family’s home, and any first time visitor could easily find themselves wondering where to start!
In the beginning, there was a man, and his mum….
Six unmissable aircraft
Before I came to work at Shuttleworth, I didn’t know an SE5a aircraft from a Chipmunk, so looking at 42 aircraft trying to understand what made them so interesting to my other half was a bit daunting. Now they are all interesting and special to me, but I have put together a whistle-stop tour of the one unmissable aircraft in each hangar.
Hangar 1 is all about WWI:
These aircraft are a mix of genuine and late model reproduction aircraft (which means they were built later, but to the same specifications). The pilots of these aircraft were typically very young men, sat in open cockpits with little protection from the elements. The RAF SE5a was the frontline fighter of this war, and ours saw combat the day before Armistice Day. Keep this aircraft in mind, all will be explained...
Hangar 4 has secrets and stars:
Star of the silver screen:
Last hangar and at the far end is an autogyro “Little Nellie”, best known for appearing in the James Bond film You Only Live Twice”. Owned by the Ken Wallis foundation, it has enough stories of its own to fill an entire book.
Find out more
The Shuttleworth Collection - Discover more via their website.
Keeping going through the pandemic - The site is currently quiet and empty, closed due to COVID 19. As an independent, self-funding collection, the loss of income through daily admissions is worrying, and we usually host nine themed airshows every year and a Flying Proms all of which are key income generators. So we are trying something a bit different for us – an online airshow! Shuttleworth is regarded as one of the best vintage airshow venues in the UK, and we are blessed with a very engaged core audience who are like an extended family. Whether we can give them a great experience ‘virtually’ we are yet to find out, but it’s exciting to try something different while we are all on a learning curve. The Airshow is pay2view, with four price levels: £2.50, £5, £7.50, £10, for exactly the same access, the viewer decides what they want to donate to our fundraising efforts. The airshow went live last Sunday, in place of what would have been our first flying event of the season. Enjoy the show and help keep these planes flying with the virtual airshow or watch the trailer for a taster
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