Start searching!
Over 1,600 events are already listed with thousands more to be added in the coming months. Alex has been working super hard to get the new directory ready for us all, and we now have an integrated search, the goal we have been dreaming of for years in response to your feedback. What does this mean? Well, you can now search by keyword + date on a map, and lots more options besides. Happy exploring, and let us know if you have any feedback – this is just year one of the new system and we know if there aren’t gremlins lurking there will certainly be lots more potential to explore!
Let’s celebrate (and vote please!)
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- Got a story/place to share? – Find out how you can join our festival community
- Newsletter – Sign up for regular updates on the festival and beyond
- Read more on the blog – Look out for ‘Take 5 with the Team’ posts in our Blog stream
- Meet the team