13 Dec 2021
by Sarah Holloway

A glass mug of a red drink, with orange slices and cinnamon sticks. Around the mug are fairly lights and candles.

Since gathering in and distilling all the evaluation from this year's festival the team has been planning how to build on it for an even more marvellous festival next year!

  • Liam's been busy pulling together a new suite of resources for our 2022 festival theme - Astounding Inventions. We can't wait to see what inventive things all our organisers come up with!
  • Alex's been busy investigating options for the future of our database - the essential backbone tool of our work.
  • I've been busy meeting various people to discuss our work, including The Gardens Trust, Historic Towns & Villages Forum, and other European Heritage Day coordinators.
The Astounding Inventions logo, surrounded by invention themed logo.


I was also lucky enough to attend the recent People-Place-Power conference from Creative People and Places, 3 intense days of debate and inspiration. I met many wonderful people online there but was particularly thrilled to chat with The Poetry Takeaway who have written this beautiful poem for our festival community.

What’s the Catch?

Just through that door,

the one you’ve passed

every day for as long

as you can remember,

is a whole world, hidden.


Just through that door

shines a spectacular place,

people-run and practical,

through that door is history,

something ancient and new,

something we can learn from

and build together.

We’ll open it for you.


We run on goodwill,

the shoulders of communities

intent on sharing passion.

because when passion is shared,

it grows stronger, more resilient

something we can be proud

to hold, as we build a heritage

of kindness and wonder.


Together, we ignite newness,

from Sheffield’s drains

to Europe’s trains

we set stories in motion.


It’s all thanks to the people

who hold the doors open,

welcome us into a world unfurled -

clearer, brighter,

free and waiting


The only catch is that

you’ll never see home

in the same way again.

Many thanks to Poetry Chef Malaika from The Poetry Takeaway

A drawing of a metal trailer with three individuals sat inside writing poems, with customers waiting. On top of the van reads 'The Poetry Takeaway'.

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