Why we take part
Milton Keynes Heritage Open Days (MK HODs) has grown from small beginnings. When we first came on board in 2013 approximately 40 events were staged across the city; in 2024, 69 organisers delivered 254 events, involving at least 413 volunteers and 81 paid staff. Although it is a lot of work, ultimately it is incredibly rewarding to see such growth in the participating organisations and the events offered, and also the increased diversity of the events. An accusation often levelled at Milton Keynes is that “new towns have no history” but MK HODs refutes that utterly by introducing the city’s history to new audiences year after year. Celebrating the city’s past – from ancient to recent times – is at the core of what we do and HODs gives us an incomparable vehicle for doing so.
What we do for HODs
We coordinate MK HODs on behalf of the City Council, supported by MK Heritage Association, bringing the disparate events and participating organisations into a cohesive whole. The range of events now is enormous; talks, walks, film screenings, guided bike rides, canal boat trips, creative workshops, site openings and architectural tours, fun family events, exhibitions, music and dance performances and heritage elements incorporated within bigger happenings across the city, such as local LGBTQIA+ heritage activities included as part of MK Pride this September.
Event examples from our 2024 programme
Our work as coordinators
We register everything onto the national website, and collate, write, produce and distribute the local brochure. Once everything is registered we showcase the events via our social media networks (in 2024 our Facebook posts had a reach of 291,000) and send out press releases to all local media outlets. We also take out paid adverts in the local press close to the date and co-ordinate the ordering of merchandise. During the ‘off-season’ (Nov-March) we research and contact new organisations that we’d like to be part of the experience. So we are constantly working with new people and organisations.
This is our first year doing HODs and the support from Rachel and the team has been very friendly and supportive.
Throughout the process we also support the organisers with advice and problem-solving, such as sourcing venues for those who have a project in mind but nowhere to site it, or setting up an online box office for ticketed events on an organiser’s behalf. Trouble-shooting and hand-holding is a huge part of the process for us, but as we are experienced in event management it’s no difficulty to provide reassurance and practical advice. And if we don’t know the answer to a particular problem, chances are we know somebody who can help!
The difference it makes
I often visit the events and I love to see people enjoying them. Talking to the organisers and having them say how happy they are with the attendances is always gratifying. I particularly like it when they tell me that they are seeing more families and greater diversity among their audiences. Milton Keynes’s heritage is there for everybody to enjoy and the changes to the MK HODs audience reflect the success of our messaging to this effect.
Rachel’s top tips!
Do it! If you have a piece of history to share then make it happen. And don’t be deterred by thinking you have to follow the theme – we always say to our organisers “it’s a suggestion not a rule”. It’s great if you can follow it, but it’s not a problem if you can’t, either.
Inspired? Find out more…
- Living Archive MK
- More case studies - Meet other local organisers
- Get involved - Taking part in Heritage Open Days