The year in numbers
- 5,794 events
- 2,159 organisers
- 53,000 volunteers
- 2.4 million visitors
- £20 million added to local economies
The last 10 days have been amazing - the people we have met have just been brilliant and are so passionate about what they do.
Making a difference
- 91% of visitors feel increased pride in their local area
- 84% of visitors feel that HODs events help bring different people together
- 24% had not visited a heritage site in the last 12 months
- 86% feel inspired to visit other heritage sites in future
- 86% of volunteers are more likely to volunteer with other heritage sites/organisations
Numbers are important to organisers, but the effect of Heritage Open Days is much more than numbers; people come from all over to see our town, learn more of its past, and appreciate the history around us. Our town becomes better known, we increase our Society's profile and add to its membership.
Festival snapshots
Clitheroe, Lancashire
In Clitheroe people came out of the coffee shops on a bright Saturday morning to watch the 'amazing' and 'very moving' re-enactment of the 1919 Peace Procession. This marked the start of an extraordinary day across the town, with the library hosting an exhibition and talk as well as very popular tours of their old gaol cells. Local shops displayed 'fallen soldier' sihouettes as part of an activity trail, while the castle was a hub of activity where you could meet an evacuee to hear first hand the effect of WWII on children and a chance to paint a peace pebble for a new permanent artwork.

High Park Reservoir, Liverpool
High Park Reservoir had their highest number of visitors yet with donation boxes filling to four times their normal amount!

Hitting the headlines
Celebrating 25 years of People Power
The silver anniversary of our wonderful locally driven festival inspired this year's theme of 'People Power'.
A big thank you
HODs will be back next year - save the dates: 11-20 September!
Find out more
- Download a summary of facts and figures from 2019 here
- Festival Spotlights - Explore some of the fantastic events that took part this year
- Case Studies - Hear more from local organisers
- How to get involved - Feeling inspired? Why not join the community?!
- 25th Anniversary book - Learn more about the history of the festival with our anniversary book celebrating 25 Years of People Power