Numbers up
- A record high of 5293 events
- Put on by an extraordinary 2073 local organisers
- Coordinating over 40,000 volunteers
Connecting communities
- 72% visitors live locally
- 87% of visitors felt HODs made them appreciate their local area more
- 75% of visitors said HODs made them feel more part of their local community
- 76% of volunteers said HODs made them feel more pride in their local area/heritage
- Estimated minimum of £10 million contributed to local economies over the festival
Cultural Gateway
- 40% of visitors had not visited a heritage site in the past 12 months
- 80% of visitors were inspired to visit more in future
- 86% of visitors agree that they are visiting because it is important to support local heritage
- 51% of organisers at sites that are open to the public on other occasions reported seeing a more diverse audience attending
Many thanks to all who participated, especially our wonderful local organisers - one visitor summed it up for us saying:
You all do a wonderful job for the community.
Find out more
- Download the impact report here.
- Festival Spotlights - Explore some of the fantastic events that took part this year
- Case Studies - Hear more from local organisers
- How to get involved - Feeling inspired? Why not join the community?!