03 Oct 2024
by Paul Mclean

The 'History Rock Snake' was an innovative new event the team created for 2024's festival that went down a treat! (Image courtesy of Chelmsford Civic Society)

Why we take part

Chelmsford Civic Society have been in existence for nearly 60 years. We care about our city and its heritage and there is no better way of sharing and communicating this to visitors and residents of all ages than Heritage Open Days. We do hold talks and tours throughout the year as a society but on nowhere near the scale of these 10 days in September.

What we do for HODs

For the festival we aim for 35 events both real and virtual. There are two reasons for this, the posters we produce are A4 and 35 fit nicely, and we prefer to have 35 quality, manageable events rather than 50 that may not be so.

The History Rock Snake

This year I was particularly excited about the rock snake, where we invited people to paint a rock with something from history; it went really well but was a fair bit of work to organise. We had over 100 visitors to two painting sessions, some had seen the event advertised, some were visiting the park in general. We had a few visitors love the first visit so they attended the following weekend, and others waited over an hour to the end of the session to take their and other stones home to keep! We made a film of the final snake which can be viewed below.

It was nice to see a creative activity as part of this annual event, and something that appeals to all ages, not just children.


2024 - History Rock Snake

Other in person events include: 

  • Tours of old buildings, for example an old mansion which is now a business club.
  • We host many guided walks and photographic competitions with a heritage theme, this year we had over 50 entrants and they were displayed in a local shopping centre.
  • We have also created a 'memory board' where people can write their memories of Chelmsford on a post it note, this is to try and gain a view of what interests people locally. Both times we have done this the results have been clear: people love the memory of shops which no longer exist and visiting them with their parents or grandparents.
Taking heritage to the centre of town, the 'Memory Board' has proved popular. (Image courtesy of Chelmsford Civic Society)
Online events

We first started making films in 2020 when the festival was in doubt due to the restrictions of the pandemic. We had such a positive reaction we continued them and now have many films on our YouTube channel. Also, we can gain access and footage of buildings which cannot be practically opened for a 'real' HODs event, for example: 

  • We went to the top of the tower at Chelmsford Cathedral and filmed the Dean.
  • We have been in to old schools which usually are only accessible to the pupils, parents and staff, and places in the school where even they do not have access.
  • We have even filmed a very historic recipe of mushroom ketchup being made in an old private house!
  • We have also filmed twice in our local Shire Hall which has been closed for 12 years which still has the courtrooms, cells and a tunnel.
Chelmsford Cathedral with ex Dean Nicholas Henshall - Chelmsford Civic Society.jpg
Online events gave the team a chance to explore new places such as the very top of Chelmsford Cathedral! (Image courtesy of Chelmsford Civic Society)

Working in partnership

Many people are involved in the festival from presenting the talks, to hosting events at venues, along with members of the civic society who help along the way.

We receive a budget from our local council to help run the festival but also take on sponsors, for example this year we had a local work space company donate their academy space for some of our talks and we had paint pens for our rock snake donated by Posca Paint Pens and a cafe and pub donated teas and coffees for volunteer performers at our 1940s day. Last year we were lucky enough to receive a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant which really helped for two of our events. Obviously lots of people donate their time, and it helps that we are a registered charity.

The Council was very pleased to engage with you and the Chelmsford Civic Society and hopefully we can find opportunities to engage again in the future!


Chelmsford Garden Community Council

The difference it makes

Chelmsford Civic Society have coordinated Heritage Open Days for 10 years this year, we have come a long way since year one and our events are more diverse and bigger than 10 years ago. We also love to make films for Chelmsford ex-pats and anyone interested in the city of Chelmsford whether they live here or further afield. We can now reach viewers worldwide with these, and have received feedback from much further afield than the UK - a man from Australia was christened in Chelmsford Cathedral and his parents were married there but he had never seen it in detail.

Paul's top tips!

  • Start planning early in the year.
  • Create a small group of like minded people to discuss and bounce ideas around.
  • Try to work with other local groups like the scouts, the guides, other trusts and voluntary organisations.
  • Expect cancellations, and silly complaints on occasions, they are inevitable!
  • Expect to have to be reactive to situations.
Lornalou and Air Raid Jive-1940sDancing_ShireHall_ChelmsfordCivicSociety.jpg
The Mayor joined in the jiving outside the Shire Hall for this year's festival! (Image courtesy of Chelmsford Civic Society)

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