12 Jun 2024
by Heritage Open Days

Vote has now closed!

Results will be shared soon.

Grid of square images of H logos and question marks

To celebrate our 30th anniversary we're creating a special gallery page on our website. A 30 for 30 showcase of the wonderful sites, stories and people that have made Heritage Open Days so magical over the years. What should those stories be though? There are thousands upon thousands to choose from, so we need your help! 

We've sifted the nominations down to a shortlist, but it is time to make the final choices. The national team shouldn't and couldn't pick them all - this is YOUR festival, what stories would you like to represent it for the years to come?

How to vote!

Expand each tab and click on the images to read the stories, then vote for your favourites.

North West

Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Walkers
The Factory
The Masonic Hall
The Hip Hop Crew

North East

Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Farm
The Theatre
The Tunnel
The Museum

Yorkshire & the Humber

Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Print Studio
The Flats
The Bowls Club
The Cathedral


Click on the images to read the stories.

Choose from the list and click the pink submit button below!

Nb. The Midlands is already going to be well represented in the gallery as there are some stories with national significance in the region., so you only have one vote here.

The Port
The Research Group
The Meeting House


Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Virtual Town
The Exhibition
The Town Hall
The War Huts

South West

Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Barn
The Sailing Barge
The Creative Town
The Synagogue

South East

Click on the images to read the stories.

Then choose from the lists and click the pink submit button to vote for your favourites!  

The Ancient Monument
The Jewelsmith
The Cars
The Almshouses

What happens next?

25 June First reveal: 10 stories will be revealed at our celebratory showcase event for stakeholders. These have already been chosen as representing key aspects of our festival's history.
30 June Vote closes
July Final reveal: Watch this space for the final gallery reveal in the first week of July!