(IMAGE: Christine Fuller, The Migration Museum, Brian Morgan, Oyenuga family, Mal & George Gyte, Creswell Pele Tower)
- Tourists – Follow the captivating journeys of 18th and 19th century tourists through the diaries, letters and photographs they created. (University of Nottingham)
- Plant hunters – It wasn’t just new goods or grand views that people searched the globe for. Plants were also big, serious, business. Discover the stories of some of these globetrotters from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. (The Farnham Society & Farnham Town Council, Surrey)
- Pilgrims – Launching over the festival, this new 41 mile trail connects historic rural churches across the North York Moors. Accessible to walkers and riders it is dedicated to the Abbot of Rievaulx and his love of walking, history and friendship. (Benefice of Helmsley and Upper Ryedale, North Yorkshire)
Travelling people
An evening to ask questions, share stories, and explore the history, traditions and culture of travelling people. (IMAGE: Brian Morgan)
Comings and Goings
- Homeward bound? – The records of one small town reveal a story of constant change as residents come and go, in search of the place to call home. Visit the Mid-Norfolk Family History Group to learn more about your own roots and discover just how far the people of Dereham have travelled to, and where they’ve come from! (Mid-Norfolk Family History Society)
- Outward bound – In the 19th century, 240,000 people took a chance and left Cornwall in search of a new life overseas. Find out where some of them went and what they did – did their gamble pay off? (Liskeard Unlocked, Cornwall)
- All our stories – The movement of people across millennia has profoundly shaped our landscapes, diets, fashions and language. Learn more with this guided tour of a new exhibition exploring migration and the making of Britain. (Migration Museum, London)
African lives
Discover how Africans have been part of Newcastle’s story and community since Roman times on this taster walk. Hear tales of resilience with Frederick’s Abolitionist work, and others of joy like that of Victor and Sabinah’s ‘wedding of the year’. (IMAGE: Oyenuga family)
- The school – One school, one community, but so, many, people – hear the stories of all those whose lives have intersected at this special hub. And add yourself to the ongoing tale with their Giant Guest Book – as they say: ‘every story matters, and every voice shapes the future’. The Old School (Future Wolverton, Buckinghamshire)
- The estate – What connects a garden, stable, and church? Take a walk to discover the links that bound these places and their people together – plus see some special wall paintings and artefacts along the way! (Harlow Museum, Essex)
- The clubs – Not all communities are bound by a site or place, some are found through a common interest. Re-visit the 90s and discover the vibrant clubs and societies in Berwick through this pop-tastic exhibition and quiz! (Berwick Community Crew, Northumberland)
The village
All roads lead to Ellingham for this imaginative exhibition. Trace the ancient paths to the village, the families that have lived there and how the community has connected through its clubs, societies and meeting places. Discover social networking before the internet! (IMAGE: Christine Fuller)
PLEASE NOTE - These events were accurate at the time of publication but details are subject to change. Check the individual entries for more - including any booking details needed.
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