Joe Meek - 304 Holloway Road

A multimedia trail explored the extraordinary story of sixties songwriter and producing maestro Joe Meek. Spectacular, albeit short-lived, success and a horrifying downward trajectory following his conviction for ‘importuning for immoral purposes’ ended in the murder of his landlady and his suicide.

Artist: Julie Rose Bower

What happened?

Live artist Julie Rose Bower created a trail around the area of North London where Meek was based, including multimedia installations. The route ended outside Meek’s home studio, where digital projections and a live performance created with the community over the summer played out to his early electronic classic ‘I Hear A New World’.

What next?

Part of the installation, ‘Green Door’ was included in Islington Museum's “1967: Up Against It” exhibition. Further parts of the installation and the accompanying newspaper as well as a DVD of the performance were donated to Islington Museum’s LGBTQ archive to be preserved in perpetuity.

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